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Icon January 31, 2023

Just as Streaming Services Revolutionized Entertainment, ValidSoft will Revolutionize ‘Past Words’

“Hi Trevor, it’s Mom again. I know you told us to just text you, but calling seems easier. We got locked out of our Netflix and Amazon accounts again. It’s telling us that we entered the wrong password and need to reset it by logging on via our computer. Will you help? Oh, we also got a text from Netflix earlier asking us to pay our bills, so we gave them our credit card and bank account info.”

No matter how old you are, if you have parents, you’ve probably had this exact conversation or one just like it. They tried logging into their streaming platforms, social media, or other accounts (incorrectly) too many times and a pop-up tells them that they’re locked out of their account.

Now you need to call or email support to unlock the account and reset your parent’s password.

What if you never had to do any of that again?

Imagine it. The perfect world. No more, “help me reset my password” voicemails. No more calling customer service to argue with a robot, and sit on hold for hours. No more worrying about multi-factor authentication, two-factor authentication, or the ever-frustrating SMS verification codes (Ever send your mobile phone a text code, but realize you left it in the car?).

What dystopian future are we living in that these statements are not a reality?

How is it possible that we must reset a password virtually every day?!

ValidSoft has been asking that question since remembering your ‘past words’ started taking more brain power than the Times crossword.

Turning Passwords into ‘Past Words’

Let’s take a step back from the mental gymnastics of remembering passwords and look to the future.

ValidSoft is a company that offers voice biometric authentication solutions focused on revolutionizing the way individuals securely log into their accounts. With our technology, the login process has never been easier. It starts the same as every other account:

  • Enter your email address then receive a prompt to repeat a set of randomly generated numbers.
  • Speak these digits with your unique voice to verify your identity. The software compares your spoken phrase and speech patterns to your voice samples for speaker recognition.
  • The spoken digits combined with your verified unique voiceprint are linked to your access, and voilá – passwordless login for any account, on any device, on any digital channel – online, on a computer, or on your phone!

By combining voice biometrics with spoken digits we confirm your identity, not your device. It really is as simple as that!

See it, Say It Voice Authentication

Oh, wait, you don’t remember those numbers we sent you?

Doesn’t matter.

The numbers appear as needed on your phone or desktop; all you do is See it and Say it. We are not creating new passwords or passphrases; we are eliminating the need to memorize traditional passwords or authentication methods like PINs or One Time Pins (OTPs). ValidSoft is taking the next logical leap into the future.

Wait, Wait, Wait, how can it be that easy?

Well, it took our team of industry experts over 10 years to create, revolutionize, and streamline our voice biometric technology, so you are more secure with a set of numbers than ever.

It won’t matter if a hacker steals your credentials and tries to log in because there are no passwords. Without the combination of your unique voiceprint and the randomly generated numbers for liveness detection, a fraudster can’t access your account.

Many businesses and individuals have been trying to protect their data by taking two steps forward and one step back with MFA, dual verification, or account linking for extra security.

If your passwords are hacked, if malware is installed on your computer, or if you clicked on that oh-so-suspicious phishing link from your latest tinder date (that shockingly turned out to be a virus), it won’t matter how secure your passwords are because they can access all of your information and accounts.

With ValidSoft there are no passwords. We protect accounts by verifying identity. Even if a hacker or third party tries to log into your accounts, your voice is so unique it will be impossible.

Not only is our biometric technology secure, but it is also better than remembering multiple passwords, resetting them every 2 months, or saving them in a safe; – it is simple and easy to use.  

Passwordless authentication in less than 20 seconds

See what you say – it really takes less than 20 seconds to set up.

That’s faster than typing two passwords and linking to another account! This strong, proven access management via biometric security is in use by our clients across the enterprise and mid-market space.

Beam me up, Scotty!

…What do you mean, what’s the password?

Do you see the Star Trek crew using eyes, faces, or fingerprints for access?

Is the Mandalorian always locked out of his ship because he doesn’t have access to a device he left on Tatooine? Even in the media, we see the convenience of voice. It’s unique and secure.

Not only is your voice incredibly convenient, but it is also one of the least invasive forms of identity protection.

Face the Ugly Truth

We have all seen the stories of stalkers, criminals, or old high school “friends” using facial recognition technology to keep tabs on others without consent. Stalking, privacy invasion, or a deep fake video created using public photos are scary invasive scenarios no one wants.

Be more secure with a less invasive form of technology.

Whether logging into an account you use every day, or once a month, we are all sick of resetting our passwords just to forget them again next week. We are all especially tired of helping our parents reset their accounts.

Let’s make Passwords “Past-Words” and move into a future where your Voice is all you need!

The ValidSoft VIP® Voice Identity Platform earned a High Performer Product Badge and the Easiest To Do Business With badge based on customer satisfaction as verified by www.g2.com