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Icon February 03, 2022

Eight Reasons to Reconsider Voice Authentication

By John Petersen, SVP Global Business Development

Voice biometrics is a cost-effective and secure authentication method for a contactless future. If you have never seriously considered it or dismissed it, now is the time to reconsider. 

1. Voice is the new User-interface (UI) of choice, and it will become ubiquitous

How we interact with devices and applications, from our smart speakers at home to our vehicle infotainment systems, is changing. Now, intelligent virtual assistants are available on apps, the web, IVRs, and contact centers. The User interface is your voice. Only voice biometrics can provide invisible, seamless, and continuous authentication, requiring nothing else. There are no secrets or devices, nothing to remember, and nothing to forget. Businesses need to be omni-channel, and voice will be the user interface of all channels.

2. Fraud continues to start in the Contact Centre

Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) is the weakest form of security and is easily bypassed by fraudsters. IVR solutions are also insecure or lack any form of meaningful self-service ability. Voice biometrics can be applied to agent conversations in the IVR and Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs), regardless of how they are deployed. Callers can be authenticated almost immediately with short-duration speech or authenticated continuously, ensuring no speaker switch. With Trusted Agent, ValidSoft continuously monitors remotely connected agents to ensure no unauthorized proxy agents, such as family and friends, are dealing with your customers.

3. Voice Biometrics can overlay existing Multi-factor OTP solutions

Many organizations have upgraded passwords to multi-factor authentication by delivering OTPs. ValidSoft’s voice biometrics can overlay these solutions, and further upgrade them to genuine identity assurance while defeating redirection attacks. In addition, ValidSoft provides precision identity assurance, regardless of whether it’s multi-factor authentication for customers. For administrators, Identity and Access Management (IAM) for employees, or Privileged Access Management (PAM). Whatever the channel, precision identity assurance is the fastest and easiest way to ensure only the correct person receives an OTP.

 4. Voice Commerce is changing the way we transact

As voice becomes the chosen user interface, voice commerce will become more pervasive as we interact vocally with devices and applications and transact. Financial transactions require strong authentication, and only voice biometrics can provide this seamlessly. The transactions and the authentications are one and the same.

5. Malware and Social Engineering have made Knowledge and Possession redundant

It is common knowledge that passwords and other knowledge factors are long broken. Increased data breaches, device malware, ever more clever social engineering techniques, and the dark web ensures knowledge will be stolen, sold, and used. Possession factors only prove that someone has possession of something, not whom. Sim Swapping, Call-forwarding, and SS7 hacking mean communication channels alone can’t be trusted. Only biometrics can prove human identity; they can’t be forgotten, and with voice, even if somehow stolen, can’t be used.

6. Artificial Intelligence is a game changer

Significant advances in biometric technology have been achieved over recent years. For example, the introduction of AI techniques such as Deep Neural Networks, a form of Machine Learning, has seen ValidSoft’s own world-leading performance increase by over 70% on digital wide-band audio and over 50% on telephony audio. This means unprecedented accuracy, never before achievable.

7. Spoofing has been a theoretical objection to biometrics – but advanced voice biometrics can detect and defeat spoofing, theoretical or not.

For some, a traditional objection has been, “What if someone records my voice?” however, apart from the fact that we have never seen a real-life example (and the difficulty it would entail). Some biometric modalities can be spoofed, advanced AI voice solutions such as ValidSoft’s, which detects recordings and detects synthetically generated audio (deepfakes). Moreover, every authentication checks for the correct speaker and that the correct speaker is not a recording or a computer.

8. Voice biometrics is mature, mainstream, and proven

Biometrics, specifically voice biometrics, is no longer a developmental science; it’s mainstream for years. It is used by the world’s largest banks, insurers, telcos, healthcare providers, vehicle manufacturers, and governments. As a result, there is no longer any perceived risk of using new or unproven technology.