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Voice Messages Are on The Rise and Fraudsters are Using Them To Their Advantage 

Voice messages and voice notes have become increasingly popular, offering convenience and a personal touch to digital communication. However, this rise in voice message usage
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Elon Musk Audio Deepfake Scam: Why Advanced Detection is Crucial 

Generative AI and deepfake technology advances at an unprecedented rate, making the lines between reality and fiction continue to blur. Recently, the voice and likeness
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Combating Deepfake Audio: Partnership Versus ValidSoft’s Independent Approach

Artificial intelligence has exponentially advanced, and deepfake technology has emerged as a significant threat, capable of generating convincingly realistic audio and video imitations. These developments
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The Snowflake Data Breach: A Wake-Up Call for Enhanced Cybersecurity Measures

The cybersecurity landscape has already witnessed several high-profile data breaches in 2024, however, the recent Snowflake data incident may be one of the most significant, affecting numerous
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The Rise of GenAI Deepfakes and the 2024 US Elections: A Threat to Democratic Integrity

As the 2024 US elections approach, the increasing sophistication of Generative AI (GenAI) deepfakes, particularly voice cloning deepfakes, poses a significant threat to the integrity
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ValidSoft Voice Verity™ Sets New Industry Standard with Double the Warranty of Competitors in Generative AI Deepfake Audio Detection

At ValidSoft, we pride ourselves on the unparalleled dedication we put into developing our deepfake detection technology, backed by our industry-leading warranty. In an era
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The Critical Need for Language-Agnostic Deepfake Detection Solutions

In today’s digital era, the rise of generative AI deepfake technologies has introduced sophisticated methods for creating deepfake audio. One of the most alarming aspects
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Faster Payments, Faster Fraud – ValidSoft Ensures Security and Speed

As we embrace faster payments, we must also fortify our defenses to keep pace with technology and processing advances and protect against evolving threats. Instant
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Securing The Future of Digital Identities 

As technology evolves, so too must our methods for securing digital identities. The necessity of proving one’s identity has become an integral part of daily
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Why Traditional KYC Fails in Modern Fraud Prevention: The Shift to Trusted Identity Assurance (TIA)

Technological advancements have led to unprecedented levels of connectivity and data exchange, and the security of personal information has become a paramount concern. Traditional authentication